Printable Sign Up Worksheets and Forms
Download free Printable Sign Up Sheets Templates and Forms - by Alex BejanishviliWhen planning an event, it is always good to not just get an idea of the number of people coming, but also to know who these people are. This allows you to match up those who said they would come with those who actually attended, allowing you to get a better idea of numbers for future events, and also allowing you to contact prospective attendees should the event have to be moved, postponed or cancelled.
This handy series of sign-up forms allow you to gather details of the people coming to your event, and are available in Excel, Calc, PDF and Google Docs format, so you can pick the one that suits your needs best. They are printable sign-up sheets, so there is no need for you to make a computer available so that people can sign themselves up, however, details can always be input and saved at a later date, should you require an electronic record.
Sign Up Sheets
for Excel® 2003+, OpenOffice & Google DocsFile: XLS
File: XLSX
File: OTS
File: PDF
Microsoft Excel® 2007 or Higher (PC & Mac)
Not Used
Not Required
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This is the most generic of the sign-up sheets, and can be used in a variety of situations, such as for a club sign-up sheet, Sunday school sign-up sheet, event sign-up sheet or task sign-up sheet. It has space for you to enter the date and details of your event at the top of the form. On all but the PDF versions, this information can be entered before printing, should you wish. There is then space for details of up to 38 attendees, with spaces for their name, address, phone number and e-mail address. This should provide you with all of the information you require, should you need to contact them either before, or after the event.
Other Sign Up Sheets

Workshop Sign Up Sheet
The workshop sign-up sheet differs slightly, in that it has space at the top for the instructor, location of workshop and the instructor's phone number or email address, as well as both the date and time of the workshop. In the spreadsheet versions, this information can be filled in before the sign-up form is printed, if required. Below is space to fill in details for up to 30 attendees, and multiple forms can be printed should you need more than this. There is space to capture the name, address, phone number and e-mail address of those planning on attending.
File: XLS
File: XLSX
File: OTS
File: PDF

Volunteer Sign Up Sheet
The volunteer sign-up sheet has space at the top to fill in the name of the organisation or event people are volunteering for, as well as its location. There is a space for filling in the date and time, so that volunteers know when they will be required, and as with the other sign-up sheets, this information can be filled in before printing in all but the PDF versions of this spreadsheet. There is space below for filling in details of 25 volunteers. As well as taking down the name, address, phone number and email address of volunteers, there is also space to fill out the task they are volunteering for. This can either be left for them to fill out, or could be pre-filled to make sure there is not an excess of people volunteering for one thing, while other areas get left.
File: XLS
File: XLSX
File: OTS
File: PDF