Prioritized To Do List Template
Printable To Do List with space for Prioritized task - by Alex BejanishviliIf you are finding your ever-growing list of work overwhelming then it is time to get organized. It is not easy to quickly identify the task that needs your most attention from an ambiguous and unorganized list hence creating a prioritized list where every new task earns a spot for itself is extremely important.
Plan each day in advance with most important tasks on the top of your list. With a prioritized list, you will be able to think better and work faster. You will never miss a timeline and become more productive and efficient.
Prioritized To Do List
for Excel® 2007+File: XLSX
Microsoft Excel® 2007 or Higher (PC & Mac)
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Using Prioritized To Do List
Prioritized To Do list is a very simple list that can be used for capturing the tasks that you need to do on each day. This template allows you to record all activities you intent to do on a particular day, knowing their priorities. This means that most important tasks can be recorded in High Priority and less important can be written under Low Priority. There is another section Other Tasks where you can records any other activities. You can plan an entire day ahead of time. There is section for capturing important notes, if any.
This template gives you an immediate clarity on all the things you need to do. No more slipping things off your focus. With each task you have checkbox which you can tick when you have finished doing it. If something planned is still not completed, you can immediately reschedule it for another day. An unfinished low priority task can become high priority next day, so record carefully.
This template has three formats allowing you record more activities on particular days under sections with two and three columns. Both formats are styled with coloured background and white background. Use any one you like, you can also change the colours to suit your preference.
Other Prioritized To Do Lists

Prioritized To Do List - Light
This version is exactly identical to the one above except that it has a lighter design and it is printer friendlier, so if you prefer to print a copy of your to do list daily as opposed to using electronic version, then this might suit you better and save you some printer ink.
File: XLSX

Prioritized To Do List 2 on 1
Two column version, which can be used to two different ways, for example, if you have space for more tasks that you need to accomplish in a day or if you prefer to plan ahead and record tasks that you need to accomplish on the following day.
File: XLSX

Prioritized To Do List 2 on 1 - Light
Exactly identical two column version as the one above, "Light" themed and with portrait orientation, which makes it easy to print on the standard A4 format.
File: XLSX

Prioritized To Do List 3 on 1
Three column version of Prioritized to do list, contains spaces for prioritized tasks as well as less important task and space for special notes. This version lets you to plan ahead and have a clearer picture of tasks for three days in a row.
File: XLSX

Prioritized To Do List 3 on 1 - Light
"Light" themed version of Three column To Do list template, landscape oriented that fits on a standard A4 page.
File: XLSX
You can print this template and place it in a place from where you can refer to it quite often and quickly. Start you day early every morning and complete the most complex task first and then move to less complex during the day. We recommend you to plan your day ahead with clear priorities, this way on each day you can focus right on a list of activities when you wake up and stay on top of everything.